Blog Writing

A blog is a short story that brings a message to life. A blog can educate, inform, share an opinion or view or inspire readers to take action. Perhaps they will want to learn more by clicking on the company website or they may wish to reach out to the blogger with feedback, or they be inspired to purchase a product that the blogger is gung-ho about. Blogs work. Blogs get noticed. If you don’t have a blog, perhaps it is time because certainly your competition has a blog!

Here are a few samples of blogs I have written for Metroland South and Mississauga News for their extremely popular In Your Neighbourhood feature seen online on The Mississauga News website at

May 6, 2020

Cuba Cruise Extraordinaire

I just returned from a trip with Cuba Cruise. It was a great cruise which offers a unique way to really explore Cuba by visiting several […]
May 6, 2020

Thinking About Ireland

Lucky to have visited Ireland! Today I am green with envy. Green because I would so love to visit Ireland again, yet feeling lucky enough to […]